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网络游戏 2022-12-07 08:15www.moobasa.com网络游戏大全




  XP gained after you hit max level ill no be converted to Credits (Rate still to be determined)

  XP gained after you hit max level ith one character increases XP gained by 50% for every other character on that aount (does not influence credit rate)

  Mobile Cover is gone!(机动掩体终于要滚蛋了,所有bug的源头,换了一个新的技能)

  Ne Skill: Division Drone - Deploy a drone hich ill follo you around and attack the last damaged enemy

  -Pulse Mod: Hostiles shot by the drone are pulsed

  -Zapped Mod: The drone shoots electrical darts that damage and shock your last damaged target

  -Suicide Mod: The drone ill fly into the first damaged target after its deployment and explode

  -Master:Executer: The drone deals 50% more damage to targets that are belo 20% health

  Stash size increased to 100(老家储存箱容量增加至100,现在容量确实太少)

  You can increase your stash size by 50 for every max level character on your aount(每一个满级角色都可以增加你50格的储存箱容量,难度要逼我去玩小号?)

  Scavenging has been redesigned:(拾荒属性重新设计)

  Scavenging no increases the amount of ammo the enemies drop(拾荒现在开始增加杀怪后的子弹掉落)

  Scavenging no increases the chance of extra materials from crates (e.g. 1-3 extra HE Division Tech from boxes)(增加材料的掉率,比如开箱子多1-3个特工科技)

  Scavenging no increases the chance of getting named items from loot tables (e.g. the Warlord from Falcon Lost)

  The Scavenger Crate in your BoO no has a chance to contain a high end item for your Gear Score Bracket (chance increases ith higher Scavenging)

  The Scavenger Crate is no on a 24h cooldon

  Named items (e.g. Warlord/Historian) ent back to the orkbench and are no better then ever before (highest ilvl for the current content, highest bullet roll, pretty good/unique talents for their role)

  Sidearms no longer influence your Gear Score

  Enemies and the gear hich drops from them no scales ith your Gear Score(e.g. 180GS+ drops 182ilvl, 200GS+ drops 204ilvl) [in a group, the highest Gear Score ill be chosen](怪物掉落品质取决于玩家的装等,180+的掉落182的,200+的掉落204的,组队的时候看装等最高的那位)

  This feature can be deactivated to still grant an easy open orld experience if you are good geared

  Outdoor Bosses no respan every Monday outside the DZ, ready to raid and plunder the defensless:

  Group up ith 3 other Agents and hunt don the raiders!

  Big street fights ith 3 Bosses at the same time and many Elite NPC's (20+ to ensure some chaos)

  One Encounter in every District, eekly loot-lookout per aount

  Elite NPC's respan after a certain amount of time (to prevent kiting)

  We added ne Phoenix Credit Vendors to Camp Hudson, e ant people to go outside and dont be in their BoO the hole time(在哈德森营地增加一个凤凰点商人,多一个购买装备渠道?)

  You can no buy conumables and grenades from a ne vendor added to your BoO after you plete a ne quest line!

  Challenge Mode Missions can no scale ith your Gear Score, alloing them to drop Gear hich could be a upgrade(挑战任务会检测你的装等,掉落取决于你装等的高低)

  Dialogues are no only played once per session, because e all got sh*t to do


  Reckless no functions correctly

  Stricker 4pc Talent reorked:(突击4件套效果重做,现在确实垃圾)

  -Missed shots no longer drop the bonus(射击miss现在不会减buff了)

  -Stacks are no capped at 70% (buff最高限制在70%)

  -Stacks are lost at 2% per second (每秒减2%buff,原来是1%)


  Assault Rifles no have a Crit Damage multiplier (突击步枪现在会有暴击伤害加成)

  LMG's no have chance to apply the Bleed effect hich can no stack

  Shotguns no do increased damage per pellet hit


  You can no set a specific amount of materials you ant to convert to the next higher quality(转材料福音,可以设置转换数量,一键转换?)

  You can no reroll talents on your crafted eapons:(重大改进!武器天赋可以校准)

  You can reroll the first talent for Phoenix Credits (武器第一个天赋用凤凰点校准)

  You can reroll the second talent for HE Division Tech(第二个天赋用特工科技)

  The third talent ill not be rerollable, but still be free (to ensure crafting stays a thing.)(第三个天赋无法校准,但是可以在做武器时固定某个天赋?)

  You can no reroll a second stat on your armor for Phoenix Credits (现在可以用凤凰点校准装备的第二个属性,一大波神装要来了。。。)

  The first time you log in, all your green and blue Division Tech ill be converted to HE Divion Tech at a rate of 10 Green=1 Blue and 5 Blue=1 HE (蓝色特工科技也可以转金了,5个变1个)

  Dark Zone

  DZ Brackets no automatically scale upards in steps of 20 points per bracket (e.g. 160/180/200/220.. etc.)(暗区分区更加细化,分为160,180,200,220。。。。让炸车的去一块吧)

  Enemies and the gear hich drops from them no scales ith the bracket you are in (e.g. 180GS+ bracket drops 182ilvl, 200GS+ drops 204ilvl)(180+的暗区掉182装备,200+的掉204)

  XP you gain from killing NPC no also scales ith your Dark Zone Rank (no longer needed to farm Agents after you hit 75)

  Supply Drops no contain high end instead of superior gear for max level players

  Every Level 32 Named NPC no drops one HE Division Tech guaranteed (32级有名字的怪物必掉金特工科技,不用愁特工科技了)


  Division Tech Crates no longer contain green and blue Division Tech, instead they alays drop 1x HE Division Tech(特工科技箱子不会再给垃圾蓝绿特工科技了!他们现在每次都会给1个金特工科技)


  You can no create and name custom Gear Sets ith your existing Gear, alloing you to quickly sitch beteen your builds (you ill be able to specify the mods in your gear)(可以快速切换装备套装,比如你一个火体套,一个电工套,可以1键切换)

  You can no create Appearance Sets, Appearance Sets are aount ide(服饰也可以一键切换)

  Weapon skins no functions like cloths and can be applied to multiple eapons at the same time

  Clan System

  We added a Clan System to The Division!(加入公会系统!!!)

  Join and anize Clans

  Agents in the same Clan share the BoO instance

  Clan size is currently maxed at 50 players to ensure server/client stability(公会最多50人,因为是土豆服务器!)

  Mission Log

  You can vie a Mission Log after you finish or fail a mission(任务结束后会有任务简报,其中包括伤害量,爆头次数,击杀,输出,承受伤害,治疗等等,组队可以知道谁是大腿谁是混子了?)

  The Mission Log contains valuable informations about your groups bat statistic

  Bullets fired

  Bullets missed



  Deaths (by source)

  Damage done

  Damage taken


  Number of times skills ere used

  Elapsed time

  more features to be added

  You can vie logs from the last 30 days

  You can vie logs ingame or in your broser


  We pletely reorked the Chat! Wele to the year 2016!

  You can no create and edit tabs in your Chat Interface Example

  We added a ne Looking For Group(LFG) channel

  Create tabs for your hispers, general chat, party chat or just bine them all in one!

  You can no activate a Timestamp feature for your chat Example

  There's no a limit of post you can make per minute, applies to all general channels

  By default, you join your local general channel (e.g. Us/Gb/T/Ger/Kr etc.)

  You can join the global channel, but keep in mind that only english is alloed in there

  Getting a specific amount of reports in a short amount of time ill ban you from the channel you posted in for 24h

  After the third ban, you ill be banned permanently until the case is resolved


  The game ill no track ho fast you move(horizontal), if you move too fast, you ill get a 4h suspension, hich doubles ith every time you get suspended (4/8/16/32/64/128)(封禁时间从4-128小时不等)

  If you reach a 128h suspension, you ill be permanently banned until the case is resolved

  ROF, Bullet Damage and Skill Duration is no calculated on the Server Side


  We no have a ne policy on glitches and exploits:

  Duplicating loot or exploiting to easily get loot (e.g. Falcon Lost APC exploits) ill lead to a character rollback(利用漏洞取得装备的玩家角色将会被回档!)

  Characters ill be rolled back to the point of content release (e.g. content is released on the 12th of april, you exploit on the 15th to get gear, your character ill be rolled back to the state he as on the 12th(比如12号更新的内容,你15号用漏洞搞到装备,角色会被回档到12号!)

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